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Found 1409 results for any of the keywords for aboriginal. Time 0.007 seconds.
Aboriginal Access to Engineering - Culturally relevant educational matCulturally relevant educational engineering materials for Aboriginal youth and their teachers.
Homepage - NACCHOSocial and Emotional Wellbeing Resources and Information
Governance Program - NACCHOSpecialised governance workshops for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations will be delivered in multiple locations during 2024 to 2025.
Our Story - NACCHOThe National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is a living embodiment of the aspirations of Aboriginal communities and their struggle for self-determination.
Diabetes Australia | Support for people living with diabetesWe want a future where diabetes can do no harm and we are leading the fight against Australia’s biggest health crisis. It’s time to unite in the fight for change.
Programs Projects - NACCHOThe FNHWT program supports up to 500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees to become Aboriginal Health Workers or Health Practitioners. Trainees will undertake Certificate III or Certificate IV qualifications in
Redfern Oral History: Oral History
Redfern Oral History: Pat EatockShirley Smith [Mum Shirl] Roberta Sykes remembers
Partners Agreements - NACCHOPartnership with Vision 2020 Australia, was to support the National Spectacle Subsidy Scheme (NSSS) project with governance and related tasks. The partnership includes NACCHO participating in the steering group, particip
NACCHO Board - NACCHONACCHO s Board consists of the Chair, Deputy Chair and 14 directors. The Chair and Deputy Chair are elected by NACCHO members for three-year terms. The 14 directors are nominated by affiliates in each state and territory
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